AntiPatterns, a Brief Tutorial

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Well-known AntiPatterns. AntiPatterns are all around us. They’re often used as tools for social control.

  3. What is an AntiPattern (and why should I care)?

  4. New context? You have options...

  5. Why Study AntiPatterns?

  6. Design Patterns AntiPatterns Problem + Solution Pairs Solution + Solution Pairs

  7. AntiPattern Template

  8. Patterns are abstractions of experience. AntiPatterns are more difficult to draft, but rapidly lead to sharing of experiences

  9. Applications of Patterns. Patterns have a myriad of uses - many yet to be discovered.

  10. Yesterday’s hot solution can become today’s AntiPattern

  11. AntiPattern Viewpoints

  12. Development AntiPatterns

  13. Development Mini-AntiPatterns

  14. Architecture AntiPatterns

  15. Architecture Mini-AntiPatterns

  16. Management AntiPatterns

  17. Management Mini-AntiPatterns

  18. AntiPattern Examples

  19. Development AntiPattern: Spaghetti Code

  20. PPT Slide

  21. PPT Slide

  22. Development AntiPattern: Spaghetti Code - Refactored Solution

  23. Development AntiPattern: Spaghetti Code - Refactored Solution

  24. Development AntiPattern: The Blob

  25. Development AntiPattern: The Blob

  26. Development AntiPattern: The Blob - Refactoring

  27. Development AntiPattern: The Blob - Refactoring

  28. Development AntiPattern: The Blob - Refactoring

  29. Development AntiPattern: The Blob Refactored

  30. Development AntiPattern: Poltergeists

  31. Development AntiPattern: Poltergeists Example

  32. Development AntiPattern: Poltergeists Refactored Solution

  33. Architecture AntiPattern: Stovepipe System - Example

  34. Architecture AntiPattern: Stovepipe System - Refactored Solution

  35. Architecture AntiPattern: Stovepipe Enterprise - Islands of Automation

  36. Architecture AntiPattern: Stovepipe Enterprise - Refactoring Strategy

  37. PPT Slide

  38. Architecture AntiPattern: Vendor Lock-In

  39. Architecture AntiPattern: Vendor Lock-In - Refactored Solution

  40. Architecture AntiPattern: Vendor Lock-In - Related AntiPattern: Lava Flow

  41. Management AntiPattern:Corncob

  42. Management AntiPattern:Corncob - Refactored Solutions

  43. AntiPatterns Ground Rules. Use AntiPatterns to quickly move through negative issues and onto positive solutions

  44. Conclusions